Thursday, September 28, 2006

Pride and Pain

It seems like life throws us a curve ball every now and again. I believe that the curve balls are carefully tossed by a loving Creator that we are too small to understand. We see only the pain and the pressure, not the plan and the purpose. I was talking with our daughter April last night and we reached the conclusion that if we could totally understand God, and stay one step ahead of Him, then He would be as limited as we are.

This fall, our curve ball is that my Mom, Orion, has been diagnosed with breast cancer. Not something anyone would sign up for, huh?

Mom's attitude has been stellar. She talks about how she is going to fight this. How she plans to be strong. At the same time she talks about how she has had 79 sweet years, and no regrets about the things she had any control over. (I know she wishes that Dad, and my brother John, had had more years to spend here on Earth with her.)

I have never been as proud of my Mother as I am right now. She is stepping forward in dignity, with a sense of humour, and with loving concern for those around her. Her amazing attitude has truly set the tone for the rest of the family.

The Planner of everything is the only one who knows what the next months hold. Surgery, chemo, trips back and forth to Mom's, hospitals, phone calls from here to Saskatoon and back again.

I am part of the "sandwich generation" now, aren't I? I only hope I can grow into my "seasoned years" with the same energy, humour and grace that my Mother has.

Thanks for reading. If you are the type to, please pray for us.


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