Wednesday, April 04, 2012

Surprisingly busy. But very thankful.

Time to get back to due diligence on my list of "thankfuls."

89.  Melted snow, by the end of March!
90.  Fresh snow, at the beginning of April.
91.  Soil, peat pots and seeds, doing their thing on my sunny windowsill.
92.  Dreaming of green grass, delphiniums, sweet peas and stocks in July.
93.  Tulips and daffodils in my garden, already!
94.  A tree full of robins and chickadees.
95.  Watching April make plans for living in an apartment next year.  Such sweet grief, to see one's daughter grow into independence.
96.  Taking a call from April today - she needed to know how full to inflate her car tires.
97.  Back to the gym next week!
98.  Easter coloured M&Ms.
99.  SALTS - Benton is planning an amazing summer!  (google it if you are curious!)
100.  Apple TV.  Yep.  It's a good thing.
101.  A friend who planned her morning around my physio needs.
102.  Fresh flowers from another friend.
103.  Time for daily hours in study and the Word.
104.  Automatic laundry machines.
105.  A friend who gave up her morning to sew me some stretchy pants that aren't black!
106.  90 degrees of bend.
107.  Canada's health care system.  (This may tick off some of my American friends, but I've gotta be honest!  Our system has given me a new chance at walking that I would never have been able to afford in the States, even as a two income family.)
108.  Yeast.  (We made bread today - yeast is an amazing thing!)
109.  Fresh bread.  See #108.
110.  Good Friday.  The pivotal day of the calendar for me.  Fresh beginnings, new chances.
111.  My purple KitchenAid mixer.  The perfect mix (ha) of sensible and frivolous.
112.  The satisfaction of being able to do some work and serve my family again.
113.  A quick note from a friend in California, complete with some photos of Benton at age 8.  Gracious.
Speaking of Benton - and excellent medical care:
114. Quick service at the ER:  xrays, consult, and back out the door in under 2 hours.
115.  AND.... his collarbone is NOT broken.  (Phew!  Because if it had been, #99 would have been off the table!)
116.  Benton is on Spring break, so he's around a lot.  I do like that boy.

So very, very much to be thankful for.  Open your eyes.  See what is being said to you over and over... "I am here.  I love you."