Tuesday, January 17, 2012


Three Years.

This blog has been dormant for three years.

Two Weeks.

In two weeks I have a surgery that may - or may not - ensure I regain full mobility and return to my former "spry" self. I'll be on surgical leave for three months or so. For the past few weeks I've been toying with the idea of journalling while I'm off work. Since writing is always more fun when it's for an audience, I'd rather journal on a blog. And, to be efficient, why begin all over again when I can just dust off the old one?


Over Christmas, I read the book 1000 Gifts by Ann Voskamp. Her challenge: to change my perspective on life by opening my eyes to the gifts poured over me every day. I'd like to piggy back my disability leave onto my efforts to record 1000 gifts over the next while. I guess in my mind, rehabbing from yet another surgery is a good time to look for thankfulness in my life.

So, without further ado:

1. My very.patient.husband!
2. Canadian Health Care. Not perfect, but good.
3. Colleagues who care about me - and my students - and who pick up the slack for me with grace.
4. My students - who will miss me. It's nice to be missed.
5. Our furnace: a reliable source of warmth on a -33C day.
6. Prayer from a wonderful Godly woman at church last Sunday.
7. Book recommendations from friends. (Thank you, Karen.)
8. Soft bed. Clean sheets. Warm blankets. Rest.

Feeling blessed,

1 comment:

Karen said...

You're welcome, Susan.

I'm looking forward to joining you in this journey.