Monday, January 08, 2007

The Cross, the Crown and the Cradle.


I know, I know, it's been awhile. When I can't update at all it'll be time to shut this thing down.

Let's see, December. There was the whirl of Christmas concerts, with the added joy of being the music teacher for the grade ones this time. The back of my head is on MANY photographs this year, as most parents took much more time seize the Kodak moment instead of listening to their children sing! I know I did the same thing when it was Benton's turn on stage!

We decorated, shopped, baked, listened to music, and all the things you're supposed to do before Christmas. The last day of school was the 22nd, so there really wasn't much time to get psyched before it was time to jump right in to the festivities. The lovely part of our break was the full week AFTER Christmas to just relax and enjoy each other. Steve even took a couple of days off so we went to movies, played with the kids and even took naps!

More than ever this year I was haunted by the image of the cross and the crown of thorns waiting in the cradle. Knowing that Jesus CHOSE to be born, knowing that He would die in only a few years humbles me every time I think about it. What a powerful choice He made; what a gift He gave.

One of these years I want to make a manger, a cross, and a crown of thorns. Thatwill sit in front of our fireplace instead of the gold balls and pine cones. To me, the magic of Christmas is in the pause; the consideration of my Saviour's choice to lay down His sweet head.

Blessings to all of you.

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